
Friday, June 11, 2010

Frankie gets stopped by vicious elbow in his first muay thai fight

Frankie from San Francisco, who has been training at Legacy Gym for only a couple of weeks, had his first muay thai fight last night. Having taken the fight with 2 days notice, Frankie was matched up against a much more experienced Thai opponent but, unfortunately, got caught by a nasty elbow in the first round, which ended the fight.

Frankie left Ubon today to make his way back home, with a few stitches as a nice keepsake. Everyone at Legacy was impressed with his guts and courage and wish him the best in his future fight career.

Good luck, Frankie. Travel safe.

video of the fight


  1. Thanks for posting that guys! Just got the stitches out today and my doc said it was the best stitch job she had ever seen. Thanks again to everyone at legacy. Keep up the hard work!

  2. You mean you are not walking around like a pirate anymore? Oh..
    Good to hear the ringside doctor did a good job. Sounds like he wasn't the village tailor after all :)
    Well done again on your first pro fight, mate!
